miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Revising my draft

The tasks for unit 3 include designing a project draft and our first P2P activity, assessing each others' drafts. It's been a really interesting unit because of all these opportunities to do and reflect about work about work (my own and my partners'). It's been really enrichening to assess peers' drafts because it forces me to think about the good and not-so-good (there is no bad!) parts of it, as well as the more suitable words to express your opinion or advice to that partner.

Considering the strengths of the projects in the MOOC, the main positive point I've seen is the will to learn of all the participants -keep going despite the many hours of school, and a very positive attitude to realize necessities and change what is needed in order to achieve a better result. Creativity is remarkable, and reflection, obviously, because every information has been considered carefully (even if this was just a draft, it's the beginning of a good plan).

Within my own project, peers' assessments and my own were quite similar. The aspects that gathered more positive comments were:

   - The topic itself: everyone understands food, can have an opinion about it and have different experiences (eat, buy, cook, like, dislike, traditions related to food...). It's a good start to work on in the different subjects.

    - The objectives: perhaps I should have reduced the list, but I thought those objectives can be split among the different subjects (Natural Science, Literacy, Maths, English), making easier their evaluation as each subject would have no more than 3 of them.

    - The final results: they are attractive, easy to understand and enjoy by everyone.

On the other side, there are the weaknesses:

    - Number of partners/students per group: it's not clearly defined. I found it hard to be specific about this point because... how can I do it if I don't know yet how many schools will be interested in the project? Perhaps if I get one more partner we can discuss this part and make a decission about how many other partners to find.

    - Communication among students: I have some doubts about it. My pupils are 6-7 years old and I think they might have some difficulties writing messages in English to other European partners. Besides, when we use ICT tools or apps in class, it's something a lot more simple, not like chatting, discussing and make decisions in a foreign language, so I got a bit lost about this part.  I will find a way to make communication and collaboration in this project real. 

One of the peers that assessed my draft mentioned it would be a good idea to involve families in the project. I didn't make it clear enough, but they were in my mind too: from helping children get to know the recipes they cook at home to the final result of the gastro-fair, which can be a great family activity: cook at home, try different ingredients and dishes and share the results with the rest of the community! 

Finally,  I think this task of assessing several projects will really help the final version of my draft. After reading several projects, realizing there are several common points in our drafts, and considering the revisions of my own work (both by my peers and myself) I can look at my draft in a somewhat different way from when I was writing it and be a bit more critical. I still think some aspects should be discussed once I got partners, but I'm sure I'll make some corrections.

Thank you everyone for your comments and for helping me improve my project!

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